
Students qualifying for gifted and talented services need to contact Mrs. Cox in Room 106.

Freshmen Parents - GT Testing Consent Form

REMINDER - Promptly turn in your permission slip to secure a spot for the trip.

Permission slips can be picked up outside of Mrs. Cox's Art room. The dates for each trip will be finalized at the beginning of each school year and will be on the permission slips.

Slider is playing

Yearly Field Trips


  • OK Firefighters Museum

  • OK Sports Hall of Fame

  • Lunch in Bricktown (Students responsible for paying for lunch)

  • Osteology Museum

  • 20 Students


  • Jenks Aquarium Tour - Behind the scenes

  • Lunch at Utica Square (Students responsible for paying for lunch)

  • 20 Students

Seminole - See your teachers for a recommendation

  • SSC Interscholastic Meet & Art Contest

  • Lunch at Don Ciro's Mexican Restaurant (Students responsible for paying for lunch)

  • 40+


Chickasha - See your teachers for a recommendation

  • USAO Scholastic Meet & Sidewalk Chalk contest

  • Lunch in cafeteria (or Braum's on the way home)(Students responsible for paying for lunch)

  • 40+
