National Honor Society is a prestigious service organization with strict GPA requirements to become a member. The organization meets the first Wednesday of each month during lunch encore in the library. We focus on service projects designed to teach us how to become useful productive citizens who desire to give back to their community. To remain a member in good standing, you must fulfill a specified number of hours working on service projects and keep a credible GPA throughout your high school career. Details for joining can be obtained by visiting with our sponsor Mrs. Sampson.
Qualifications for NHS
NHS is by invitation ONLY. To be eligible for after, the 3rd nine weeks of Sophomore year, the student must have a 3.7 GPA. There is an application to fill out. If accepted must be at induction to be a member.
To maintain good standings each member must:
Maintain a 3.7 GPA
Attend 4 of the 8 meetings
Complete 10 documented community service hours
Participate in 2 of the 4 group projects
Maintain appropriate behavior and academic integrity
"I pledge to uphold the high purpose of the National Honor Society to which I have been selected. I will be true to the principles for which it stands; I will be loyal to my school and I will maintain and encourage high standards of scholarship, service, leadership, and character."