Parents with children in the ninth grade at Tecumseh High School are being urged to attend one of four upcoming Transition to Independence seminars which will be offered during parent teacher conference nights September 10 and 12.
There will be four 30 minute sessions offered, two each night. Session 1 or 2 will take place on September 10 at either 6pm or 7 pm while Session 3 or 4 will be offered on September 12 at 6pm or 7pm in the THS Alumni Center.
"We are hoping to use this time to talk with parents about the ICAP which is the newly implemented Individual Career and Academic Plan for all Oklahoma high school students," said freshmen counselor, Erin Meyers. "Only one seminar per student is required and I would suggest if you were already planning to attend a parent teacher conference, you could schedule this seminar around those talks. Also you do not have to preregister for the seminar, just show up and expect to be informed."
Parents will hear about the background and philosophy behind the new ICAP and find out what their role as parents will be for the next four years in assisting their child develop a solid career focus for when they graduate. They will also be informed about the new course offerings and exploratory activities Tecumseh High School will use to help students devise a career plan.
Following the seminar freshmen students will sign a letter of intent to graduate known as the "Commitment to Graduate" contract.
"We feel as faculty and administration at THS that this is an important and valuable moment for our kids and their families as they sign these letters. We hope you will take the time to cherish this moment of your child's freshman year when you come to the seminar."
For questions regarding this seminar you can call Mrs. Meyers at (405) 598-2113 during regular school hours.