Preparations and opportunities are everywhere to help juniors get the best score possible on the upcoming ACT to be administered on April 2-4. The test which is a one day event, will be given to all juniors and the date each child will take the test will be assigned according to last names. Those testing assignments will be available soon.
Juniors have the opportunity to get a free ACT Prep online account if they will register with Mrs. Meyers. There are 170 accounts available and are free to the first qualified students who apply. You an also go to this link to sign up at your convenience:
Online prep accounts have lots of features including numerous practice tests, tips for getting into the college you want most and advice on how to score your personal best on the college required entrance exam. For additional information you can visit with Mrs. Meyers in the counseling suite.
As an added bonus high school teachers will be providing a boot camp review session on April 1 for all juniors. The sessions will cover all areas of the ACT subject matter and help students brush up on past material from classes they may not currently be enrolled in. These sessions are effective in helping many students who suffer from pretest anxiety.It also gives them the chance to ask questions about format and procedures.
The ACT is one of two entrance exams that American colleges require before admittance. As an example the University of Oklahoma requires a composite score of 22 to be accepted as a student. Review sessions and online prep practices have been found to raise students scores from 1 to 9 points if reviewed regularly.
There are also independent websites offering helpful preparation videos. Try this one:
Beyond the Test training video
Numerous colleges set a scholarship standard at 26-27 so the higher the score the higher the scholarship offerings.
Below are images of the Boot Camp Review pages to be presented April 1. It's never too early to get started. test your knowledge.
Click the link below for a printable version of the entire ACT review.
Act Review Page - Printable Version
(Note:The print version will NOT have the geometric graphics. You will need to refer to the above photo when needing further explanation for the math section.)