Food Drive

The leadership students are sponsoring the annual Thanksgiving basket food drive. The third period class who brings the most canned food will get a surprise at the end of the drive. The following clubs will be responsible for the listed items below. For the third period classes any canned food will be accepted. The food drive will start on November 1 and end on November 15. Thank you for your cooperation and if you have any questions or concerns please feel free to contact Coach McKnight.

25 Roaster Pans – Native American Club
50 cans of soup - Cheerleaders
25 boxes of brownie mix - BPA
25 Packages of Stuffing – Beta/ Academic Team
50 Packages of Pudding and Jell-O – NHS / Spanish Club
50 Boxes of Mac & Cheese – Football Team
25 5lb Bag of Potatoes – Youth Alive / FCA
25 4lb Bags of Sugar – Student Council/Science Club
25 5lb Bags of Flour – FCCLA / Art Club

If anyone in the community would like to help or donate please call the High School at 405-598-2113, or email Coach McKnight