The Tecumseh Invitational Track Meet is today. Events begin at 9:30 am
Girls golf is at the Firelake Tournament. Softball is at Newcastle at 5 pm and baseball plays at Harrah at 5 pm.
Welcome visitors who are here for Honor Band and the Tecumseh Invitational Track Meet! We are an open campus high school. If you will be driving around please obey traffic laws and be especially careful during the lunch break. Watch out for walking and driving students.
It's ACT week at THS. Juniors will be taking the test April 2, 3, or 4 depending on the schedule. This is a state mandated test. Do your best students, to insure a solid career future!
Softball plays at Blanchard at 5 pm.
Baseball at home today with Harrah at 5pm.
Congratulations varsity baseball—Sulphur Side Champions in the Murray County Shootout Tournament!
Way to go softball teams. Two wins yesterday. Tecumseh 10 Morris 0 and Tecumseh 9 Henryetta 6.
Track will run in the Bethany Track Meet Saturday, March 30.
Tennis is in the Pauls Valley Tournament today playing at the OC Tennis Center.
It's raining now, but baseball and softball will continue play as soon as the skies clear. Baseball plays at 7:30pm in the Sulphur Tourney. JV plays at 1pm in the Guthrie Tournament and softball is in Muskogee playing at 11:30am.
Good luck choir students as you compete in the state contest today.
Seniors, Mrs. Lenaburg needs those candid photos of you for the senior slide show. Monday is the last day.
Attention non licensed drivers -- We have one spot left for summer driver's education class. Sign up in the main office.
Ladies if you are in need of a free prom dress...yes, we said FREE, head to Okie Dokie Mercantile in Shawnee tomorrow to pick one out. Check them out on Facebook.
Prom ticket prices will be bumped up again on Monday. Save some money. Buy yours today. See Mrs. Cox, Mrs. Humphrey or Mrs. Sains.
NHS applications are due today. Turn those in to Mrs. Sampson.
Juniors -- Prom preparations begin on Monday. See you after school in Mrs. Cox's room for your assignment.
Juniors wanting to serve as an office aide next year must submit a completed application to Ms. Poole ASAP. See her for details.
Congratulations Lady Savage basketball team for receiving the state Academic Achievement Award for a combined team GPA of 3.25!