Title VI director Victor Cope announced that applications are available for Einstein's Summer Exploration Camp which will be held May 28 through June 20.
The day camp is in its 16th year, and offers programs in math, reading, art and physical education. Any Tecumseh Public School student in fifth through 8th grade is eligible to attend. Classes run from 7:45 am - noon Monday - Thursday and include breakfast. Limited bus transportation is available. Breakfast will be served daily in the Barnard cafeteria but all class work will be provided on the Tecumseh Middle School campus under certified teacher and paraprofessional supervision. Student tutors are also on hand to provide individualized help.
The camp has been successful in helping students reinforce and retain knowledge they have gained in the classroom from the previous school year and aids in keeping summer boredom under control.
Field trips are a popular perk and help to reward excellent attendance. Trips in the past included bowling, swimming, movies and Whitewater Bay. There is a nominal fee of $50 for the four week camp but alternative forms of paying the enrollment fee can be discussed at the time of application A completed application must be submitted to the Title VI office on the middle school campus by May 14. Please direct questions to the Title VI office where you can also pick up an application. You can speak to Victor Cope, Jerri Jones or Pam Keith for help. Their number is (405) 598-2067.