In conjunction with the annual Veterans Day holiday, Tecumseh Middle School will present an assembly to honor veterans of war on November 12 at 10 am in the All Purpose Room.
Special musical performances will be given by the THS Marchng Band and THS and TMS mixed choirs. Students are encouraging all local veterans and their families to attend this ceremony. Lunch will be provided immediately following the program. The luncheon provides a time for veterans to share experiences and visit with other local military heroes. If you are interested in attending and need additional information you may call the main office at (405) 598-3744.
A second assembly will be presented following the luncheon on the campus of Tecumseh High School in the Alumni Center at 1:20 pm. Veterans are welcome to attend both ceremonies. For questions regarding the afternoon program you may speak with leadership teacher Jennifer McKnight at (405) 598-2113.