Check out procedures for TPS students for summer break are happening right now on all campuses. We are open until 6pm. Bring textbooks, library books, school uniforms, etc. We will meet you in the driveways and we will have your personal items you left at school.
Chromebook check-in is going on now at the Krouch STEAM Center campus on the south side circle driveway. We are open until 6pm. Bring the device and the charger please. This is for all grade levels. We will meet you at your car!
Class of 2020 -- Don't forget you must have one car ticket to participate in the drive-through graduation ceremony on May 19. Pick those up today in the high school main office from 8am-5pm or tomorrow from 8am - noon.
TMS is honoring it's top students for academic achievement virtually this year. Click this link to watch the video:
Hey Class of 2020 -- Good News! We're having a LIVE drive-through graduation ceremony May 19, 2020 at 6pm. Share it with all your fellow seniors and families. Click here for the full story
We have another scholarship offering which will be closing in less than two weeks. The Pott County K9 award is due May 21 at 3:30pm. Click here for details, scroll down to scholarship opportunities.
Way to go Jacob Nunley. You make us very proud!
Correction: May 20 will also be open for check outs for all students.
School check out days for students are May 18 and 19. Please click the link for details on each school site.
This is a reminder that Tecumseh's pre kindergarten enrollment is happening right now. Click here for details
Seniors you've got three weeks to apply for the Tecumseh Alumni Association Scholarship package. The association will give away (19) $1000 awards! Click here and scroll to the bottom for Scholarship Opportunities:
If your child is four years old, it is time to pre enroll for next school year. Follow this link for details:
Help us out and share this information with parents of Tecumseh four-year-olds.
All Pott County school students are invited to take part in the free vaccine clinic on May 11-12 at Shawnee Middle School. Details here:
Students not able to use the Grab 'n Go meal option for school lunch and breakfast due to transportation issues, click here for bus stop delivery info:
Just a reminder the free Grab ‘n Go breakfast and lunch food line is open Monday - Friday from 11am -1 pm for all Tecumseh students. Take advantage of this terrific service through May 19. Cross Timbers site only for ALL students. Curbside delivery for every child. Feed the kids!
Class of 2020 seniors are being reminded to check the scholarship link below to make application for awards being offered by local businesses and professional organizations. Deadlines are approaching.
Students still needing to check out a school Chromebook for distance learning can call 598-5500 ext 5 to schedule an appointment.
Parents if you requested a school issued Chromebook for your child's distance learning assignments and have not picked up your device, you can do that Monday, April 6 from 7am - 4 pm at the THS Alumni Center.
Our TPS Distance Learning Center is now open. From
April 6 - May 15 students will have weekly opportunities to extend their learning skills. Click this link to familiarize yourself with the new learning format.
Distance learning programs for all grades open Monday, April 6. TPS students should participate in this alternative learning program to complete the 2019-20 school year. Refer to our website regularly for more details.