Our TPS Distance Learning Center is now open. From April 6 - May 15 students will have weekly opportunities to extend their learning skills. Click this link to familiarize yourself with the new learning format. https://www.tecumseh.k12.ok.us/article/223478?org=tecumseh-ps
almost 5 years ago, LW
Distance learning programs for all grades open Monday, April 6. TPS students should participate in this alternative learning program to complete the 2019-20 school year. Refer to our website regularly for more details. http://tecumsehok.apptegy.us/article/223478?org=tecumseh-ps
almost 5 years ago, LW
THS students. Check the News Items to learn about how to join the contact chains for distance learning. We start Monday, April 6.
almost 5 years ago, LW
Parents and friends of the Class of 2020 be sure to like and follow the Tecumseh High School Facebook page to see our daily recognition of a member of the THS Class of 2020. Share this info with all your family and friends.
almost 5 years ago, LW
The OSDE has ordered all Oklahoma schools to be closed indefinitely due to Coronavirus. TPS will comply with this order. Plans for an alternative learning system are being implemented. We appreciate your patience. We will share details with you very soon as they are finalized.
about 5 years ago, LW
Stay in touch with your school by downloading the school app. You will receive regular updates via push notifications and text messages. We will keep you informed on details as they arise regarding the suspension of school across the state. We are Tecumseh Savages. We will do our part to stay safe and start back strong!
about 5 years ago, LW
If you have an internet connection we have some amazing enrichment activities for school children of all ages. This collection of learning links, put together by our teachers and administrators, can be found under News Items. Stay strong Tecumseh students. We will survive!
about 5 years ago, LW
Free food for our kids beginning March 23.
about 5 years ago, LW
free meals
The TPS Meal Delivery Plan is available on the website now. The "two meals a day weekday plan" will begin March 23. Check the news items tab to see how to secure food for your children. Please share this information with all Tecumseh parents.
about 5 years ago, LW
Details regarding the distribution of daily meals to our students beginning next week will be available shortly. We will post that information on the website for families to view. Thank you for your patience.
about 5 years ago, LW
Tecumseh patrons, We are all anxious to see how Oklahoma's response to the Coronavirus pandemic will affect our schools. We continue constant communication with state officials on the best way to keep our children and employees safe. You will be updated as decisions are made.
about 5 years ago, LW
The Coronavirus Disease (COVID-19) and its emergence in the U.S. are prompting questions about its impact on our schools. The Oklahoma State Department of Education (OSDE) is monitoring this rapidly developing situation and preparing regular updates. We will keep you informed.
about 5 years ago, LW
Congratulations to Tecumseh's FFA and 4H organizations on their recent and very many wins at the Pott County Junior Livestock Show. We are very proud of the goals you set and achieved this year during exhibition season. Good luck to those moving on to the Oklahoma Youth Expo!
about 5 years ago, LW
Towers of mammoth size being built in the STEAM center by Mr. Gentry’s science class.
about 5 years ago, LW
This is daylight savings time weekend. Set your clocks forward one hour.
about 5 years ago, LW
Tecumseh’s Lady Savages lose to OC McGuinness 76-42 in the consolation bracket of the Area III Class 4A basketball tournament. Congratulations to our players and coaches on an outstanding season. We are very proud of you.
about 5 years ago, LW
Area girls basketball at Washington High School Thursday March 5 at 1:30 pm. Go Lady Savages.
about 5 years ago, LW
lets go
Come support the Lady Savages as they play their first game of the area tournament Thursday, March 5 at 1:30 pm. Let's get a win girls!
about 5 years ago, LW
What a day for our Savage Pride Concert Band. It received straight ones in stage performance and sight reading at district competition. That is music to our ears! Congratulations.
about 5 years ago, LW
Incoming high school students for the 2020-21 school year will need an appointment to get enrolled for high school. Please call the high school office at (405) 598-2113 to schedule yours today.
about 5 years ago, LW
hs preenroll