Good luck cross country team as you compete today in the Purcell meet.

Volleyball will play at home today against HFAA and fastpitch will also play at home against Byng.

Time is running out to register your car for campus driving privileges. Tickets to unregistered drivers are coming soon. If you don't want to pay--get the papers turned in soon.

Meetings for Lunch Talk Room 207 and Youth Alive -- library will be today during encore and lunch break.

Academic Team practice is today at 3:30 in Room 307.

All seniors interested in serving on the Bancfirst Student Advisory Board need to see Coach McKnight ASAP.

The blood drive is today!! We will be in the Alumni Center. Fill out permission forms in the main office. Save a life--DONATE BLOOD.

THS BETA will sponsor a blood drive on August 28 in the Alumni Center. Permission forms can be picked up in the main office.

Seniors--Sign up for college or career fair coming up September 13. College fair is 9-10 am at Firelake Arena and Career Fair is 1-2 pm at GCTC. SIgn up sheets outside the counselors' office. You can only attend one fair. It will be an excused absence.