Spanish Club will meet today during encore in room 211.
over 6 years ago, LW
Hey students! The application process to attend Gordon Cooper Career Tech center is open. It is totally online and easy to complete. See counselors for more details.
over 6 years ago, LW
The Savage Pride Band invites you to join them for their Christmas music concert tonight at 7 pm in the Alumni Center.
over 6 years ago, LW
Bethel Tournament schedule: Tecumseh girls face Lone Grove at 1:00 pm. Tecumseh boys play Bethany at 8:30 pm.
over 6 years ago, LW
Wrestling team will be in Blanchard this weekend for a tournament.
over 6 years ago, LW
Score update from Bethel Tournament: Bethel girls beat Tecumseh 48-34
over 6 years ago, LW
Tonight is opening night for THS wrestling. Come to the Alumni Center for matches that start at 6 pm.
over 6 years ago, LW
Freshmen boys basketball play Jones today at home. Girls will play at Jones.
over 6 years ago, LW
Bethel Tourney game times: Boys play Chandler at 2:30 pm and the girls play Bethel at 7 pm.
over 6 years ago, LW
The Rose State College tour has been changed to December 13.
over 6 years ago, LW
Youth Alive will have its regular weekly meeting during encore today. Come to the library for lunch and fellowship.
over 6 years ago, LW
THS Robotics has a t shirt fundraiser going on right now. See Mr. Forrester in room 311 to get yours.
over 6 years ago, LW
If you are a Native American student, and received a registration form to fill out, please turn those back to the main office ASAP.
over 6 years ago, LW
The hands on S.T.E.A.M. learning center is just a few days away from being ready to receive students. The southeast part of the Krouch center will have classrooms open to serve students in all grades who need to work on S.T.E.A.M. learning activities. Details coming soon.
over 6 years ago, LW
Varsity basketball headed to Harrah tonight for a match up. Go Savages
over 6 years ago, LW
NHS will have a meeting in the library during encore tomorrow. You need to be there.
over 6 years ago, LW
BPA will have a meeting during encore on Wednesday in room 102.
over 6 years ago, LW
Parents and family members--There is NO emergency at Tecumseh Early Childhood Center. Fire crews were called to the scene for a maintenance only procedure. Absolutely no one is in danger. Thank you for your understanding.
over 6 years ago, LW
Savage wrestlers will travel to Newcastle for a weekend tourney Nov. 30 - Dec. 1. Go Savages!
over 6 years ago, LW
Friday night is the home opener for Tecumseh High School basketball. JV games will begin at 4 pm. Come support the Savages.
over 6 years ago, LW