ECU rep will be here November 9. Sign up on the counselors' bulletin board.
over 6 years ago, LW
Nominations for Senior Favorites are going on now. See Mrs. Lenaburg between classes, encore/lunch, or after school to make a nomination.
over 6 years ago, LW
The regional academic team meet will be held at Tecumseh High School on November 10.
over 6 years ago, LW
Tecumseh's FFA chapter invites everyone to the annual Pig Roast and Labor Auction Friday, November 9 in the alumni building. Serving line opens at 6 and yes, we will have to-go plate options.
over 6 years ago, LW
NHS will meet tomorrow during second encore in the library.
over 6 years ago, LW
Tomorrow is election day for Oklahoma residents. We are reminding all registered voters that every vote counts.
over 6 years ago, LW
Native American Club meets today during lunch encore on the alumni center stage. Everyone is welcome.
over 6 years ago, LW
Robotics meets today during encore in Room 311.
over 6 years ago, LW
Congratulations ladies for being named to the North Canadian River All Conference Team -- Channing Scallorn, Harley Sturm and Ayzia Shirey
over 6 years ago, LW
GT bus for Devon Tower leaves from the bus depot at 8:20 am this morning. Please contact Mrs. Cox if you have questions or are not planning to go.
over 6 years ago, LW
ASVAB military placement test is this morning at 8 am in Mrs. McPhail's room. Don't be late.
over 6 years ago, LW
We will close our 2018 football season Friday night at Madill. Come out and support the Savages. They have worked hard.
over 6 years ago, LW
Good luck to THS Cheer as you compete in the Game Day contest this Friday in Yukon. Busy day for sure!
over 6 years ago, LW
Friday is the last day to register without a late fee for the December ACT. See counselors for details.
over 6 years ago, LW
SAGA meets today in room 207. All students are welcome to come and talk.
over 6 years ago, LW
Save money. Buy Snowball Dance tickets now from Mrs. Humphrey, Mrs. McPhail or Mrs. Lachapelle.
over 6 years ago, LW
ASVAB Military Placement Test is tomorrow at 8 am in Mrs. McPhail's room. See Mrs. Meyers for details.
over 6 years ago, LW
We've got a GT trip to Devon Tower planned for tomorrow. Please see Mrs. Cox for details. If you have reserved a spot but cannot go please see her ASAP. It's important.
over 6 years ago, LW
Youth Alive will meet today, not Thursday during second encore for lunch and Halloween carnival games. Come to the library. It will be a lot of fun. Food is $1.
over 6 years ago, LW
Tomorrow is the absolute last day for senior panel pictures. We will have a photographer at the high school. These are the pics that are also used during the presentation of diplomas. Don't be left out!
over 6 years ago, LW