ECU rep will be here November 9. Sign up on the counselors' bulletin board.

Nominations for Senior Favorites are going on now. See Mrs. Lenaburg between classes, encore/lunch, or after school to make a nomination.

The regional academic team meet will be held at Tecumseh High School on November 10.

Tecumseh's FFA chapter invites everyone to the annual Pig Roast and Labor Auction Friday, November 9 in the alumni building. Serving line opens at 6 and yes, we will have to-go plate options.

NHS will meet tomorrow during second encore in the library.

Tomorrow is election day for Oklahoma residents. We are reminding all registered voters that every vote counts.

Native American Club meets today during lunch encore on the alumni center stage. Everyone is welcome.

Robotics meets today during encore in Room 311.

Congratulations ladies for being named to the North Canadian River All Conference Team -- Channing Scallorn, Harley Sturm and Ayzia Shirey

GT bus for Devon Tower leaves from the bus depot at 8:20 am this morning. Please contact Mrs. Cox if you have questions or are not planning to go.

ASVAB military placement test is this morning at 8 am in Mrs. McPhail's room. Don't be late.

We will close our 2018 football season Friday night at Madill. Come out and support the Savages. They have worked hard.

Good luck to THS Cheer as you compete in the Game Day contest this Friday in Yukon. Busy day for sure!

Friday is the last day to register without a late fee for the December ACT. See counselors for details.

SAGA meets today in room 207. All students are welcome to come and talk.

Save money. Buy Snowball Dance tickets now from Mrs. Humphrey, Mrs. McPhail or Mrs. Lachapelle.

ASVAB Military Placement Test is tomorrow at 8 am in Mrs. McPhail's room. See Mrs. Meyers for details.

We've got a GT trip to Devon Tower planned for tomorrow. Please see Mrs. Cox for details. If you have reserved a spot but cannot go please see her ASAP. It's important.

Youth Alive will meet today, not Thursday during second encore for lunch and Halloween carnival games. Come to the library. It will be a lot of fun. Food is $1.

Tomorrow is the absolute last day for senior panel pictures. We will have a photographer at the high school. These are the pics that are also used during the presentation of diplomas. Don't be left out!