Friday’s pregame Jr. Class BBQ dinner will go on as planned in the Alumni Center 5-7 pm. Tickets for the meal are $5 each.
over 6 years ago, LW
Lots of updates regarding football homecoming activities. Game time has been moved forward to 6:30 pm.
over 6 years ago, LW
Weather for homecoming tomorrow night might be a BIG problem. Check the live feed regularly for updates.
over 6 years ago, LW
Students needing to do a make up reading test in order to get a driver's license need to sign up with Mrs. Meyers in the counseling office ASAP.
over 6 years ago, LW
Youth Alive will host a Pink Out lunch today in the library. Come hear stories from cancer survivors. All the food will be pink! All students are welcome.
over 6 years ago, LW
SAGA will meet today for lunch in Room 207. All students are welcome.
over 6 years ago, LW
Thursday night is McTeacher Night at McDonald's of Tecumseh. Support your Tecumseh Early Childhood Center by purchasing food at your local chain location.
over 6 years ago, LW
Mr. Forrester needs your Robotics Team apps turned in ASAP.
over 6 years ago, LW
Academic Team will practice after school today Room 307.
over 6 years ago, LW
Academic team will practice after school today at 3:30 Room 307.
over 6 years ago, LW
BPA meets today in Mrs. Atchley's room during encore. Room 102. FCA meets tonight in the new gym at 8:30 pm.
over 6 years ago, LW
Youth Alive wants you to come to the library for a Pink Out lunch on Thursday, September 20. Hear stories from cancer survivors in honor of Pink Week.
over 6 years ago, LW
If you have never been to a cross country meet you have a chance to see one today at home when the Tecumseh Invitational starts at 4:45 pm. Come watch us run!
over 6 years ago, LW
Volleyball will play at Liberty Academy today while fastpitch will be at home against Seminole.
over 6 years ago, LW
Coronation for THS homecoming will begin at 6:55 pm on Friday, September 21.
over 6 years ago, LW
Juniors and seniors interested in serving their country can talk to a military recruiter on October 9. Sign up with the counselors.
over 6 years ago, LW
Seniors interested in the Aerobraze tour on October 12 need to sign up in the counseling office ASAP.
over 6 years ago, LW
Buy your pink homecoming t shirt today -- $10. See Mrs. Lundgaard or Ms. Henry ASAP.
over 6 years ago, LW
Good luck to the Savage Pride Marching Band as it competes in the Oklahoma State Fair today. You make us very proud.
over 6 years ago, LW
Hey football fans don’t forget that tonight’s game with Bridge Creek will be played at Newcastle High School’s facility. Game time is 7:30 pm.
over 6 years ago, LW