Friday’s pregame Jr. Class BBQ dinner will go on as planned in the Alumni Center 5-7 pm. Tickets for the meal are $5 each.

Lots of updates regarding football homecoming activities. Game time has been moved forward to 6:30 pm.

Weather for homecoming tomorrow night might be a BIG problem. Check the live feed regularly for updates.

Students needing to do a make up reading test in order to get a driver's license need to sign up with Mrs. Meyers in the counseling office ASAP.

Youth Alive will host a Pink Out lunch today in the library. Come hear stories from cancer survivors. All the food will be pink! All students are welcome.

SAGA will meet today for lunch in Room 207. All students are welcome.

Thursday night is McTeacher Night at McDonald's of Tecumseh. Support your Tecumseh Early Childhood Center by purchasing food at your local chain location.

Mr. Forrester needs your Robotics Team apps turned in ASAP.

Academic Team will practice after school today Room 307.

Academic team will practice after school today at 3:30 Room 307.

BPA meets today in Mrs. Atchley's room during encore. Room 102.
FCA meets tonight in the new gym at 8:30 pm.

Youth Alive wants you to come to the library for a Pink Out lunch on Thursday, September 20. Hear stories from cancer survivors in honor of Pink Week.

If you have never been to a cross country meet you have a chance to see one today at home when the Tecumseh Invitational starts at 4:45 pm. Come watch us run!

Volleyball will play at Liberty Academy today while fastpitch will be at home against Seminole.

Coronation for THS homecoming will begin at 6:55 pm on Friday, September 21.

Juniors and seniors interested in serving their country can talk to a military recruiter on October 9. Sign up with the counselors.

Seniors interested in the Aerobraze tour on October 12 need to sign up in the counseling office ASAP.

Buy your pink homecoming t shirt today -- $10. See Mrs. Lundgaard or Ms. Henry ASAP.

Good luck to the Savage Pride Marching Band as it competes in the Oklahoma State Fair today. You make us very proud.

Hey football fans don’t forget that tonight’s game with Bridge Creek will be played at Newcastle High School’s facility. Game time is 7:30 pm.