WOW!!! Choir scores coming out of Little Dixie contest are amazing:
6th grade/2
7&8th grade/1
Men's Choir/2
Women's Choir/1
High School Mixed Choir/1

Calling all veterans. We want to honor you at our November 8 home football game. Be our guest for a special halftime performance in honor of America's service men and women. Admission will be free for all veterans. Game is at 7:30pm.

Details on the CT Color Fun(d) Run on October 27 -- Pick up packets at 1pm at Sick Humphrey Park, run begins at 3pm at Slick Humphrey Park, hot dog lunches available for $4.

Just a week left to get your pumpkin at the FFA Pumpkin Patch on the high school campus. Bring the family for an old fashioned fall experience. Proceeds from pumpkin sales benefit all FFA programs.

We salute Super Savages Abigail Nunley, Emily Bingham and Aniyah Mendoza.

The boys basketball team is selling a very cool t shirt for this season. See the design and place orders in the high school main office.

Last opportunity to get a picture made for the senior panel is Friday, October 25. If you are graduating in December 2019 or May 2020 you need this photo. See Mrs. Atchley for details.

Good luck to Blake Kennedy who has been named an American Agribusiness Star Finalist for 2019.

Good luck THS Pride Marching Band as you compete in the OSSAA southwest regional contest.

Varsity football will play at home on Thursday night against Harrah.

Lots of sports action this weekend. Fastpitch at state tourney at Firelake on Thurday at 1:30pm. Football at home on Thurday at 7:30pm and cross country runs at Waurika on Saturday in regional races.

Today is the last day of school this week. Have a great fall break.

Fastpitch state bracket is out. We will play Hilldale at 1:30pm Thursday on Field 2 at Firelake.

Great job!

We’re going to state! Lady Savages defeat Tuttle to win the regional championship in fastpitch. Congratulations girls. You make us proud!

The best of luck to our Lady Savage fastpitch team. Our girls will be playing at Tuttle High School at 11:30am for the regional championship. If they win it, they're in it! Let's go to state girls. You can do this.

Congratulations Lady Savage fastpitch. Game one is in the books and we are ready for the second round of regional play at 3:30. You got this!

Good luck Lady Savage fastpitch as you play for the regional championship today in Tuttle. First game is with Perkins-Tryon at 12:30pm.

Just a few days left to register for the Cross Timbers Color Fun(d) Run. Go to news items for a registration link.

It's homecoming time for Tecumseh High School on October 4. Coronation at 6:55pm with game to follow at 7:30pm. Come support the Savages