You have just a few days left to register for the Cross Timbers Fun(d) Run On October 27. See news items for an online registration link.

Good luck Lady Savages. Go win your regional!

Let us cook dinner this Friday night!

Homecoming shirts on sale for $10. Deadline is noon Friday.

It's time for food, fitness and fun when TECC hosts McTeacher's Night at Tecumseh's McDonalds TONIGHT from 5-7pm. There will be lots of games and yummy menu items plus a portion of all food sales will go to our early childhood center. Come support the littles!

We've got an amazing halftime show to be presented by the THS Pride Marching Band at tonight's game. It's going to be great. Don't miss out.

You can feel it in the air...Football Fever! Let's go Savages -- home opener tonight against Bridge Creek at 7:30pm. Let's all sit under the Friday Night Lights.

Attendance is a MUST!

Volleyball game today with Seminole will be played at Seminole State College at 4pm.


Hey what's my grade?

Come watch us --

Time is running out on this great deal --

Hey Freshmen -- this invite is for you

Get your tickets for the football kickoff dance which is September 28 in the THS Alumni Center. Buy from Ms. Henry or Ms. Lundgaard.

Link Crew wants every single THS freshman to join them this Friday night for the kickoff tailgate party starting at 5:30pm in the football field parking lot. All the food you can eat is FREE! When we finish we willl go to the game together. Regular admission to game is required.

Youth Alive guests will hear testimony from Coach O today in their regular weekly lunch meeting. Come to the library during encore and lunch and see what we are about. BBQ will be $1.

Homecoming Dance is Saturday, September 28 from 8-11pm in the THS Alumni Center. Tickets available from Ms. Henry or Ms. Lundgaard.

Attention all THS freshmen -- Come to the Link Crew Freshmen Tailgate Party in the parking lot of the football field this Friday at 5:30pm. We will eat some great food, visit with friends and then attend the game together. Food is free but you will need money for the game.

We are having a pep assembly on Friday! The PM activity schedule will apply.