It's McTeacher Night at Tecumseh McDonalds tonight from 5-7 pm. Have dinner at Mickey D's and help our schools at the same time! Thanks for your support.
almost 6 years ago, LW
Congratulations THS Band. . Two excellent ratings at state solo/ensemble competitions today!
almost 6 years ago, LW
There will be some beautiful student art work to view at the annual THS Art Show on Friday April 19. Come join us in the alumni building from 5 - 7 pm.
almost 6 years ago, LW
art show
Mrs. Lenaburg is issuing a final call for those seniors who have not turned in a photo for the senior slide show. Please see her ASAP.
almost 6 years ago, LW
Seniors need to submit nominations for Prom King and Queen in Mrs. McPhail's room by Friday.
almost 6 years ago, LW
Link Crew applications are due April 26. See Mrs. Meyers, Mr. Atchley, Mrs. Sampson or Mr. Nelson.
almost 6 years ago, LW
Youth Alive meeting today in Room 310 during encore/lunch and Science club meets in room 301.
almost 6 years ago, LW
It's prom time. Advance tickets are $35 for the April 13 event. They will be $50 per guest at the door. Out of district guests must be approved by noon April 12. Without approval they will not be allowed to attend the dance.
almost 6 years ago, LW
Parents -- April is state testing month for TPS. It's important to have children in school every day for testing and test prep activities. Thank you for your cooperation and assistance in making sure our students perform at their very best.
almost 6 years ago, LW
Prom is Saturday night and tickets are still $35. Buy today. If you wait for the door price it will be $50.
almost 6 years ago, LW
Softball will play at Seminole at 4:30 pm and baseball will host Bethany for a 5 pm varsity game.
almost 6 years ago, LW
Girls tennis is hosting the Tecumseh Invitational Tournament today. Come watch them play.
almost 6 years ago, LW
Beautiful work everyone!
almost 6 years ago, LW
A little rain isn’t keeping art students from competing at the USAO Chalk Art Festival today in Chickasha.
almost 6 years ago, LW
We will hand out graduation announcements tomorrow from 8:30-10:30 am in the commons. Caps and gowns will NOT be handed out during this time.
almost 6 years ago, LW
Seniors -- Scholarship offerings are everywhere. Fill out an application to see if you are eligible.
almost 6 years ago, LW
If you are bringing a guest to prom who is not a THS student you will need a permission form. They are available in the main office and must be completed and approved prior to April 12. Hurry!
almost 6 years ago, LW
Hey juniors! We are expecting you to help every day after school on prom decorations. See Mrs. Cox for an assignment.
almost 6 years ago, LW
Girls golf is at the Firelake Tournament. Softball is at Newcastle at 5 pm and baseball plays at Harrah at 5 pm.
almost 6 years ago, LW
Welcome visitors who are here for Honor Band and the Tecumseh Invitational Track Meet! We are an open campus high school. If you will be driving around please obey traffic laws and be especially careful during the lunch break. Watch out for walking and driving students.
almost 6 years ago, LW