Youth Alive will meet today during encore/lunch. Pizza and pop is $1 per person. Come see us in the library.
almost 6 years ago, LW
Seniors please pay Mrs Lenaburg ASAP for your senior activities. Price is $40 for both days and an awesome senior class t shirt. You must pay by May 14.
almost 6 years ago, LW
FFA members will celebrate their individual and chapter accomplishments with family and friends tonight at the annual banquet at 6:30 pm in the Alumni Center.
almost 6 years ago, LW
Graduating seniors were awarded thousands of dollars in scholarships last night at the THS Academic Awards assembly. A large portion of that money came from Tecumseh businesses and professional organizations. We appreciate the support you offer our students!
almost 6 years ago, LW
Hey seniors it's finally time to pick up caps and gowns for graduation. Distribution will be done through the high school main office today from 10 am - 1 pm. You will get graduation ceremony tickets today too.
almost 6 years ago, LW
WOW. What a day for Tecumseh Track in Class 4A regionals at Duncan. Numerous winners which are now headed to the state meet at Moore High School May 10-11. Way to go Savages!
almost 6 years ago, LW
THS Savage Pride Band is having a great time at Six Flags Over Texas this weekend.
almost 6 years ago, LW
Six flag
Classes will be dismissed at all sites on Friday, May 3 due to an unused Snow Day. Extracurricular activities will go on as planned.
almost 6 years ago, LW
No School
Relay for Life is tonight at FireLake Arena. Opening ceremonies at 7 pm.
almost 6 years ago, LW
Congratulations to the Savage baseball team on winning BI - District 4A Champions!
almost 6 years ago, LW
The district baseball tournament will be played at Tecumseh today with Ada. First game is at 3 pm.
almost 6 years ago, LW
Funeral services for Edward Carey will be at the Tecumseh High School Alumni Center on Saturday, April 27 at 2 pm.
almost 6 years ago, LW
Congratulations FFA member Abigail Nunley! You are headed to the state speech contest at OSU Friday. We are very proud of you.
almost 6 years ago, LW
Today is pre enrollment day for new Pre K students for the 2019-20 school year. If your child will be four years old on or before September 1 they are eligible. Bring shot records, birth certificates and residency proof to Tecumseh Early Childhood Center from 9-6 pm to enroll.
almost 6 years ago, LW
The Lady Savages will play Norman North this morning at 11 am in Westmoore for the first round of softball regionals.
almost 6 years ago, LW
These amazing young women are headed to the state tournament. Congratulations Lady Savage Golf. You are mentally and athletically tough!
almost 6 years ago, LW
Lady savage golf
Deepest sympathy and condolences to the family of Edward Carey Class of 2019.
almost 6 years ago, LW
It's chilly outside this morning but warm in the FFA Greenhouses today. Come see the beautiful flowering plants we have for sale. Prices are great!
almost 6 years ago, LW
plant sale
Just a reminder -- There will be some beautiful student art work to view at the annual THS Art Show this afternoon. Come join us in the alumni building from 5 - 7 pm. Admission is free.
almost 6 years ago, LW
Art Show
Big day at THS Friday, April 19 -- FFA Plant Sale all day and THS Art Show 5 - 7 pm..
almost 6 years ago, LW