Youth Alive will meet today during encore/lunch. Pizza and pop is $1 per person. Come see us in the library.

Seniors please pay Mrs Lenaburg ASAP for your senior activities. Price is $40 for both days and an awesome senior class t shirt. You must pay by May 14.

FFA members will celebrate their individual and chapter accomplishments with family and friends tonight at the annual banquet at 6:30 pm in the Alumni Center.

Graduating seniors were awarded thousands of dollars in scholarships last night at the THS Academic Awards assembly. A large portion of that money came from Tecumseh businesses and professional organizations. We appreciate the support you offer our students!

Hey seniors it's finally time to pick up caps and gowns for graduation. Distribution will be done through the high school main office today from 10 am - 1 pm. You will get graduation ceremony tickets today too.

WOW. What a day for Tecumseh Track in Class 4A regionals at Duncan. Numerous winners which are now headed to the state meet at Moore High School May 10-11. Way to go Savages!

THS Savage Pride Band is having a great time at Six Flags Over Texas this weekend.

Classes will be dismissed at all sites on Friday, May 3 due to an unused Snow Day. Extracurricular activities will go on as planned.

Relay for Life is tonight at FireLake Arena. Opening ceremonies at 7 pm.

Congratulations to the Savage baseball team on winning BI - District 4A Champions!

The district baseball tournament will be played at Tecumseh today with Ada. First game is at 3 pm.

Funeral services for Edward Carey will be at the Tecumseh High School Alumni Center on Saturday, April 27 at 2 pm.

Congratulations FFA member Abigail Nunley! You are headed to the state speech contest at OSU Friday. We are very proud of you.

Today is pre enrollment day for new Pre K students for the 2019-20 school year. If your child will be four years old on or before September 1 they are eligible. Bring shot records, birth certificates and residency proof to Tecumseh Early Childhood Center from 9-6 pm to enroll.

The Lady Savages will play Norman North this morning at 11 am in Westmoore for the first round of softball regionals.

These amazing young women are headed to the state tournament. Congratulations Lady Savage Golf. You are mentally and athletically tough!

Deepest sympathy and condolences to the family of Edward Carey Class of 2019.

It's chilly outside this morning but warm in the FFA Greenhouses today. Come see the beautiful flowering plants we have for sale. Prices are great!

Just a reminder -- There will be some beautiful student art work to view at the annual THS Art Show this afternoon. Come join us in the alumni building from 5 - 7 pm. Admission is free.

Big day at THS Friday, April 19 -- FFA Plant Sale all day and THS Art Show 5 - 7 pm..