The Savage Pride Marching Band will present its annual light show during halftime of tonight’s football game. It’s a can’t miss event. Hope to see you there.

Hey everybody-Where you are on the Million Mile Challenge? Have you walked or jogged a million yet? How about 10 miles? We have over 2,000 kids in our district and about 300 employees. If everyone tracks their steps we would only need about 460 miles from each person for the entire school year Let's do this!

We will pay one combined 9th grade and JV football game at home tonight against Harrah at 6 pm.

The Savage Pride Marching Band invites everyone to see its annual light show this Thursday, October 18 during halftime of the Tecumseh vs. Bethany football game.

Thursday night is senior night for athletes in football, cheer, cross country and band. Ceremonies will be held before the 7:30 pm kickoff.

Savage Color Run participants, due to the rainy weather today and the forecast for tomorrow we have made the executive decision to postpone our event. We do not want to take any chances of anyone getting hurt on a muddy trail or any kids getting sick. We will let you know as soon as possible of our new event date. Thank you for understanding.

The football game will be at Harrah tonight at 7:30 pm. Go Savages beat the Panthers!

The football game will be in Harrah tonight at 7:30 pm. Go Savages, beat the Pantehrs!

School pics Friday for all students in grades 9, 10, and 11. Everybody must have a picture made for school records. There is no charge for this service but you can buy picture packets if you are interested. See Mrs. Atchley.

Seniors--Bring your Jostens deposit money Friday to get started on your graduation order.

Ada will be here tonight for 7th, 8th and 9th football games starting at 5 pm.

Oh joy! It's report card day.

SAGA meets today in Room 207 during encore.

Attention parents who have children that ride bus #7 —We are running about 35-40 minutes late on getting your children home. Thank you for your patience!

Good luck Savage Pride Marching Band as you compete in the regional contest today. Bring home the win. You got this!

Seniors will have a chance to get senior panel pictures made this Friday at the high school. Bring $20 and appropriate panel clothing. See Mrs. Atchley or your senior sponsors for advice on wardrobe.

School pictures are this Friday for students in grades 9, 10 and 11. You must have a photo made for school records even if you don't plan to buy school pictures.

Tomorrow is College App Day. Wear your favorite college t shirt.

Spanish Club will meet Wednesday during encore in Room 211.

Seniors interested in entering an essay in the Masonic Lodge contest should see Mrs. Higgins for details.