Just a few seats left on the bus for the Aerobraze Tour this Friday. You better hurry and sign up with the counselor. Trip is Friday.

Academic Team will practice today at 3:30 in Room 307.

Tuesday is Talk to a Military Recruiter Day at THS. If you are a junior or senior and interested in serving your country upon graduation please see Ms. Poole for info regarding recruiters available.

Cross country will be running in the OBU Invitational meet today at 4 pm.

Fastpitch plays at 2 pm today in the regional tournament at Lone Grove. Volleyball will close its season today at Midwest City.

Fastpitch plays at 2 pm today in the regional tournament at Lone grove. Volleyball will its season today at Midwest City.

Students remember that classes will be dismissed during third and fourth period on Friday due to semester text exemptions. There WILL be bus service home at 3:15. If you need to be at school in the morning you will report to the commons after lunch if you need a bus ride home.

Sulphur Cross Country Results: Girls-Kayla McGruder 1, Jacey Cox 23, Boys-Alex Dickinson 4, John Cole 6, Kyle Sowder 7, Hayden McClure 7, Chase Chester 21, Jeff Hand 24, Riley Logsdon 25, Masen Stiles 28. Nice job Savages!

Hey everybody go to Sonic, order a drink and then turn in your Limeades for Learning stickers to Mrs. Sampson. She uses them to buy cool stuff for the school.

NHS members see Mrs. Samspon to order your club
t shirt and pay your dues. We meet tomorrow during encore in the library.

Cross Country running at Sulphur today at 4:30 pm.

Fastpitch will play Choctaw at home today at 5 pm.
Congratulations to Coach Trahan who got victory 300 over the weekend!

Freshmen and JV Football at Jones at 6 pm.

ACT scheduled for October 2 has been changed to October 30.

Everyone is invited to an Open House at Tecumseh Early Childhood Center Thursday, October 4 from 5 - 7 pm. Come see this beautiful building at 1406 N. 6th Street which was made possible by the generous property owners in the Tecumseh Public School District.

Fastpitch will be playing in the OCC festival.

We will play varsity football at Cushing tonight. Spirit bus leaves at 5:30 pm. Go Savages, beat the Tigers!

Schedule change! Robotics will meet today during encore/lunch Room 311. Free Pizza.

The volleyball spirit bus will leave at 3:15. Bring money for food after the games.

Good luck Lady Savages as you compete in the volleyball regional today at 5 pm.