Just a few seats left on the bus for the Aerobraze Tour this Friday. You better hurry and sign up with the counselor. Trip is Friday.
over 6 years ago, LW
Academic Team will practice today at 3:30 in Room 307.
over 6 years ago, LW
Tuesday is Talk to a Military Recruiter Day at THS. If you are a junior or senior and interested in serving your country upon graduation please see Ms. Poole for info regarding recruiters available.
over 6 years ago, LW
Cross country will be running in the OBU Invitational meet today at 4 pm.
over 6 years ago, LW
Fastpitch plays at 2 pm today in the regional tournament at Lone Grove. Volleyball will close its season today at Midwest City.
over 6 years ago, LW
Fastpitch plays at 2 pm today in the regional tournament at Lone grove. Volleyball will its season today at Midwest City.
over 6 years ago, LW
Students remember that classes will be dismissed during third and fourth period on Friday due to semester text exemptions. There WILL be bus service home at 3:15. If you need to be at school in the morning you will report to the commons after lunch if you need a bus ride home.
over 6 years ago, LW
Sulphur Cross Country Results: Girls-Kayla McGruder 1, Jacey Cox 23, Boys-Alex Dickinson 4, John Cole 6, Kyle Sowder 7, Hayden McClure 7, Chase Chester 21, Jeff Hand 24, Riley Logsdon 25, Masen Stiles 28. Nice job Savages!
over 6 years ago, LW
Hey everybody go to Sonic, order a drink and then turn in your Limeades for Learning stickers to Mrs. Sampson. She uses them to buy cool stuff for the school.
over 6 years ago, LW
NHS members see Mrs. Samspon to order your club t shirt and pay your dues. We meet tomorrow during encore in the library.
over 6 years ago, LW
Cross Country running at Sulphur today at 4:30 pm.
over 6 years ago, LW
Fastpitch will play Choctaw at home today at 5 pm. Congratulations to Coach Trahan who got victory 300 over the weekend!
over 6 years ago, LW
Freshmen and JV Football at Jones at 6 pm.
over 6 years ago, LW
ACT scheduled for October 2 has been changed to October 30.
over 6 years ago, LW
Everyone is invited to an Open House at Tecumseh Early Childhood Center Thursday, October 4 from 5 - 7 pm. Come see this beautiful building at 1406 N. 6th Street which was made possible by the generous property owners in the Tecumseh Public School District.
over 6 years ago, LW
TECC Front
Fastpitch will be playing in the OCC festival.
over 6 years ago, LW
We will play varsity football at Cushing tonight. Spirit bus leaves at 5:30 pm. Go Savages, beat the Tigers!
over 6 years ago, LW
Schedule change! Robotics will meet today during encore/lunch Room 311. Free Pizza.
over 6 years ago, LW
The volleyball spirit bus will leave at 3:15. Bring money for food after the games.
over 6 years ago, LW
Good luck Lady Savages as you compete in the volleyball regional today at 5 pm.
over 6 years ago, LW