After a long wait, varsity football will play at home this Friday when Tecumseh plays host to Bridge Creek. Kickoff is set for 7:30pm. Come support the Savages.
over 5 years ago, LW
School picture day is this Friday, September 20 for grades 9-11.
over 5 years ago, LW
Buy your yearbook now while the price is very, very low. Only $40. See Mrs. Atchley for details but the price break only lasts until September 27.
over 5 years ago, LW
Cross country will run in the NCRC meet at Harrah today at 5pm while fastpitch will play Bethel at home at 5pm.
over 5 years ago, LW
Plan for an evening of food, fitness and fun when TECC hosts McTeacher's Night at Tecumseh's McDonalds on September 24 from 5-7pm. There will be lots of games and yummy menu items plus a portion of all food sales will go to our early childhood center. Come support the littles!
over 5 years ago, LW
Congratulations Savage football on your 35-21 win over Seminole.
over 5 years ago, LW
Science-Eco Club meets today during encore in room 301.
over 5 years ago, LW
Middle School and Cross Timbers parents are invited to come take a look at the Krouch STEAM Center classrooms on Thursday evening from 4:30-7:30 pm. See for yourself what our kids are talking about. It's a great day to be a Savage STEAM kid.
over 5 years ago, LW
Huge price break on the 2020 high school yearbook.Order by September 27 to get a copy for only $40! Look under the Parent Resources tab to place an order.
over 5 years ago, LW
Reminding high school freshmen parents to attend a Transition to Independence seminar this week. Check the news items on the high school webpage for details.
over 5 years ago, LW
It's a busy week for TPS and time for parent teacher conferences. If you need to talk with teachers and have not received a scheduled conference time yet, please contact the main office for the school your child attends.
over 5 years ago, LW
Varsity fastpitch will play games at home with Harrah today at 5pm and varsity volleyball will travel to CCS for a 4:30pm matchup.
over 5 years ago, LW
Great job Lady Savage volleyball team - Chickasha Tournament Champions!
over 5 years ago, LW
Congratulations Lady Savage fastpitch team - McLoud Tournament Champions.
over 5 years ago, LW
Finally! Friday Night Lights is here. Come out to Bethel and watch the Savages pound the Wildcats. Kickoff is at 7pm. Bring a chair because seating is limited. Black and Gold, yell it...BLACK and GOLD.
over 5 years ago, LW
Everyone is invited to the Central Oklahoma Chiropractic Center football pep rally tonight at 5:30pm. The clinic is located at 602 N. Broadway. Thank you to Dr. Justin Phillips, his staff and family members for continuing to host this event each year. We appreciate you!
over 5 years ago, LW
If you are interested in being a substitute teacher at any grade level and have never worked for Tecumseh Public Schools before, please sign up for the Substitute Teacher Workshop scheduled for September 18. Call the board office at 598-3739 to register.
over 5 years ago, LW
Seniors need to sign up with Ms. Poole for the OBU college fair which is September 26.
over 5 years ago, LW
Youth Alive will meet this morning during encore and lunch. There will be pizza, games and devotionals all for $1. Come be with us.
over 5 years ago, LW
SAGA is meeting during encore today in Room 207. Bring your lunch and come be a part of the conversation.
over 5 years ago, LW