Tecumseh varsity cross country will run at North Rock Creek campus today at 6pm.

Lots of sports activities this evening at THS. Fastpitch at Purcell @ 5pm. Volleyball at St. Gregory's against Blanchard @ 4pm and a varsity football scrimmage at home beginning @ 5pm.

Academic team will practice today at 3:30 in Room 307. If you want to a part of the amazing group of students, just show up for practice to get started.

Spanish Club meets today during encore in Room 211.

Seniors can sign up for the OBU College Fair to be held on September 26 in the counseling office. More than 80 colleges will be there to talk to interested students.

Time is running out to get your THS parking permit. The school resource officer will start issuing citations soon to unregistered vehicles.

In the sports light: Everyone is at home today. Fastpitch will play Pauls Valley at 5pm and volleyball host Southeast at 4:30pm. Home volleyball matches are played at St. Gregory's University gym this season.

Class of 2020 senior: the Horatio Alger Scholarship application process is currently open. See Ms. Poole for details. The deadline for this prestigious scholarship program is October 25th.

Art Club will meet today during encore in Room 106. You do not have to be enrolled in an art class to join, so come check us out.

If you would like to serve as a substitute teacher this school year and have not attended a district training seminar you can register for our next workshop to be held on September 18. Call (405) 598-3739.

Lady Savage volleyball will play in Seminole today at 4pm. Fastpitch will be at Bethel for two games starting at 5pm.

THS Club Showcase is Monday, August 26 during second period. If you are new to THS or an incoming freshmen this will be your chance to talk with officers of campus organizations to see which one will fit you best. An involved student is a successful student. Come join us!

Today is freshmen class officers election day. All THS freshmen are qualified to vote. See Ms. Henry to cast your ballot.

Academic Team is looking for a few good people to join them each Wednesday for competition practices. We meet in room 307 from 3:30 to 5 pm. See Ms. Henry or Mrs. Haworth for details.

Seniors interested in attending Orange Friday on September 27 at Oklahoma State University need to see Ms. Poole for sign ups.

BPA will have its first meeting today during encore in Room 102.

We are looking for outstanding individuals who love children and want to serve as substitute teachers. If you are interested, TPS will host a substitute teacher workshop on September 18 at 9 am. Call (405) 598-3739 for details.

Savage Pride Band members listen to presenters at a state leadership conference at Broken Arrow High School this afternoon.

TPS has another round of surplus items up for bid including several school buses. Bids will be accepted through September 6, 2019 at 5 pm.

Don't pay a late fee! Deadline for regular registration to take the ACT is tomorrow, August 16.