Tecumseh Lady Savage volleyball will play at home at the St Gregory's gym against Noble today. Games begin at 4:30 pm.

Lady Savage fastpitch will play in the Byng Invitational Tourney August 15-17. Good luck ladies.

Seniors, Rose State College Senior Preview Day is coming soon. Get signed up in the counselor's office.

Youth Alive leadership team meets today in room 310 during lunch encore. This meeting is a must attend event. See Mrs. Higgins for details.

All students planning to drive on campus this school year must drive vehicles registered with the school. See Mr. Dilbeck for a registration form.

The rumor is not true. You do not have to be a Spanish speaker to be in Spanish Club. We are a fun group that explores and enjoys the culture of Hispanic countries. Sure, we may speak a little Spanish while we are together but that's a good thing! Come see what we are all about during encore today in room 211

Final call for all schedule changes is today. Tomorrow will be too late to get a new class, so take care of business today by seeing Ms. Poole or Mrs. Meyers.

Hey freshmen! We want you to be a part of student council. Get your election petitions in by Friday 3:45 pm.

Make plans to attend the Football Kickoff Supper on August 23 at 6:30 pm in the Alumni Center. Tickets are $7 and can be purchased from any football player. Carry out meals will be available if you can't be there in person but still want to support our program.

Would you like to serve the school district and get paid to do it? TPS is looking for individuals wanting to become substitute teachers. We will host a training/workshop on September 18 at 9 am. If interested call (405) 598-3739 to register today.

What's for lunch today? Check the menu from your phone or desktop for the specific site your child attends school. Menus are posted by the month for breakfast and lunch each day.

Tecumseh Blue is watching YOU. School zone speed laws will be strictly enforced. And....please don't pass a stopped school bus. Those are some incredible young people getting on those buses and needing to get to school. We want them here safe!

Sincerest appreciation to our administration, school board and most definitely our taxpayers of the district. With your financial support students will benefit from facilities improvement, safe and modern transportation and advanced technology in the classroom. Thank you!

We would be nowhere today without the enormous amount of help from our paraprofessionals, administrative assistants, bus drivers and child nutrition staff. Thank you for making sure this school year is a successful one.

Thank you to our numerous support personnel who have worked all summer to beautify our school grounds, athletic fields and buildings. You are deeply appreciated.

We are back! Welcome everyone back to school for the 2019-20 session. Lots of great things are in store for this school year so make it your best year yet.

Our wonderful Tecumseh Police Department is out in full force today hoping everyone is aware that school zone speed limits are the way to go. We will have hundreds of precious children walking to school the next few days. SLOW DOWN. We want every one here safe and sound!

We are looking forward to meeting with students and families tonight at Open House. Doors open at 5:30 pm at TECC, Barnard and Cross Timbers. Middle School and High School will open at 6:30 pm.

Open House is Tuesday night --

Reporting day for TPS staff is Monday, August 5. Please refer to your school email for details on the week's events.