It's back to school for Tecumseh students August 8. See you then!
over 5 years ago, LW
Back to school
School supply lists can be found under the "Documents" tab
over 5 years ago, LW
District wide enrollment is Thursday, July 25.
over 5 years ago, LW
Attention Class of 2020. Time is running out to get a senior panel picture made for free. Please call Flora Photo Studio at 273-8631 today to make an appointment.
over 5 years ago, LW
Don't forget about our Summer Seamless Feeding program. Your children can receive free breakfast and lunch daily during summer school sessions. You do not have to be enrolled in summer school classes, but you must be an enrolled TPS student. Call 598-3739 for details or read about it in our news section.
almost 6 years ago, LW
And so it begins...SUMMER SCHOOL is open! If you are concerned that your child is supposed to be attending summer classes, please consult the site specific office for details ASAP.
almost 6 years ago, LW
Senior activities planned for Monday, May 20 have been canceled due to the severe weather forecast. Seniors should arrive at the Alumni Center for the Senior Brunch on Tuesday, May 21 at 9:30 am. Graduation rehearsal will follow immediately after the brunch. Please bring your cap and gown for rehearsal.
almost 6 years ago, LW
Due to the severe weather forecasted for Monday, May 20; all classes at Tecumseh Public Schools will be canceled. School will resume on Tuesday, May 21.
almost 6 years ago, LW
Free meals for our kids!
almost 6 years ago, LW
Seamless summer
All middle and high school athletes for the 2019-20 school year need a physical to play sports. They will be given at the high school library at 6:30 pm May 16. Cost is $15. First come, first served.
almost 6 years ago, LW
Krouch STEAM Center Health and Tech Fair - May 15 from 9-11 am. brought to you by Health Careers and Computer Coding classes. We'll have 3D printing, vital sign checks, blood glucose and vision screenings, CPR/First Aid demos, virtual reality experiences, info on fitness/nutrition/oral hygiene and more!
almost 6 years ago, LW
Congratulations to seniors Tyler Bingham and Channing Scallorn THS Male and Female Athletes of the Year.
almost 6 years ago, LW
State champions! Class 4A track— Kayla McGruder 800m run and boys 3200m relay!
almost 6 years ago, LW
What a year! Congratulations Savage boys track. Third place team finish Class 4A State Meet.
almost 6 years ago, LW
Seniors, if you still haven't picked up your graduation cap, gown and admission tickets please go to the main office to get it done!
almost 6 years ago, LW
Seniors, if you still haven't picked up your graduation cap, gown and admission tickets, please go the main office to get it done!
almost 6 years ago, LW
All 2018-19 Senior Students of the month must go to the main office today to pick up some very important information.
almost 6 years ago, LW
Please turn in all library books ASAP so we can get things closed for the end of the school year. If you know you have a book out but can't find it, you can talk with Mrs. Peak about replacement options.
almost 6 years ago, LW
SAGA meets during lunch/encore today in room 207. Bring your own lunch.
almost 6 years ago, LW
Science Club will meet during lunch/encore today in room 301.
almost 6 years ago, LW